Thursday, August 28, 2014

Todd Glass

Glass was on Comedy Central two nights in a row. Tonight on Stewart's Daily Show and the night before on the Meltdown. I liked his jokes on the Meltdown even though he kind of freaked out at the beginning over a mike stand. I guess he was joking about it be he seemed pretty mad. Anyhoo on of his jokes was about being a "passive progressive" at Thanksgiving or something by asking someone making sexist/racist/homophobic etc comments, how old they are, because they sound like an old person. And he had another good one, but he didn't make any gay-themed jokes. On the Daily Show though he was promoting his new book about his 30 years in comedy and how he recently came out. Stewart also said the trailer for his new movie is out. It stars Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal.

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